I found a South Park character generator at http://southparkstudios.com/games/create.html
So I went and made myself a new avatar with it.
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I found a South Park character generator at http://southparkstudios.com/games/create.html
So I went and made myself a new avatar with it.
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http://members.aol.com:/wtstudies/wts1/wts1.htm .
backup thread:.
http://members.aol.com:/wtstudies/wts1/wts1.htm .
So in another words, sKally, you are condemning about 90% of us here on the board, because we at one time were members of the BORG???
You're painting with a mighty wide brush....
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you will never know what a jw will do to get you to a meeting.
i have been having trouble with my mom ever since i left the jw's.
she has tried everything to get me to the meetings,blackmail,bribes,peer presure.she has gotten my good jw friends to ask and encourage me to go.
Can you sneak along something to read to pass the time away? Does she make you wear "meeting" clothes? Try not to pack any ties or dress shoes!
See if you can get a stash of candy or snacks too, to pass the time away.
After the meeting, tell them all how much you love Jesus, that he is your savior!! JW's really get uncomfortable talking about Jesus.
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silentlambs is crying out for help in this one.
it seems due to a large public outcry by the community, a candlelite vigil is being set up in remembrance of the victims.
they are plastering this info all over the main page at www.silentlambs.com.
J.R. Brown says:
If a member of the congregation suspects abuse, they are to report to a church elder, Brown said.
BZZT!!! Thanks JR, you just hit the nail on the head on whyyour policy is all wrong!!! I think ole JR forgot his line... I'm sure he meant to say report it to the police!
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http://members.aol.com:/wtstudies/wts1/wts1.htm .
backup thread:.
http://members.aol.com:/wtstudies/wts1/wts1.htm .
Have you considered therapy? For someone who left the org at 15, you seem to have a lot of unresolved issues.
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http://members.aol.com:/wtstudies/wts1/wts1.htm .
backup thread:.
http://members.aol.com:/wtstudies/wts1/wts1.htm .
Hey Devils
Did you even read the article? This guy is just as much a victim of the Watchtower as any one of us. Yeah he actively supported the org for most of his life, he thought it was the truth. like a lot of us did at one time. For that you are going to condemn him?
Not to mention the fact, if there were more JW's like this guy, somebody who was not just a mindless drone, but who actually had his own opinions, maybe the Org would not be a F'd up as it is....
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one of the most difficult aspects of leaving the jws is finding a new social network to replace the social network you have lost.
finding friends among the jws is not usually a difficult task, but finding them outside the organization can be daunting, especially considering you were told not to develop a social life "in the world.
" discussion boards like this are great...but not enough.
I'm in the same boat, dude. The ol rolodex gets mighty thin when you toss out all the dubs. I really have no recommendations. In fact, its kinda depressing, if a guy like you is having trouble finding friends, what hope is there for an introvert nerd like me??
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Well this is just sad news.
As far as the signs of an anuerysm, is there really anything they can do even if its detected?
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watchtower chronology suffers from weak logical links.
after all, they start with an unproven premise and begin linking and linking and linking and suddenly they produce the rabbit out of the hat.
1914 is the rabbit .
Nice personal attack there. A sure sign of someone who can't defend his point of view with facts.
There is no secular evidence supporting 607 and you know this. The Society knows this and acknowledges it in the appendix, as i pointed out above.
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BS, Computer Information Systems
watchtower chronology suffers from weak logical links.
after all, they start with an unproven premise and begin linking and linking and linking and suddenly they produce the rabbit out of the hat.
1914 is the rabbit .
Scholar reared his head yet again...
the Jonsson hypothesis with its unsustainable 586/587 for the Fall of Jerusalem.
There is no Jonsson hypothesis. Jerusalemn did fall in 586/587. No one outside the Watchtower questions this. There is no evidence that would suggest this date is off by 20 years. There is overwhelming evidence that points to this being the correct date. See Let Your Kingdom Come, appendix to chapter 14, published by Watchtower Bible and Tract Society 1981.
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